
December 15, 2007


I'm at camp and Michele is there and lets me sleep in her tent (because i never bring one camping). i think that she is the only person that i know there, but then she is being really mean to me. i try to keep my self busy by cleaning up the camp site and such. and everyone is suddenly registering for the bus, but i am in the middle of wrapping up my sleeping bag. i go inside the tent, and there is broken glass from a beer bottle and i cut my finger. later when i've done my Cinderella tasks, i go behind the cabin where everyone is eating lunch and there is the gurl collecting reservations for the bus. it cost $6. i give her a twenty. then i go and talk with michelle for a bit.

December 08, 2007

To the Moon/Whitetown

For some reason i was going to the moon. 'D' was going to take me, and i was to follow her instructions. there was also a man. he was the pilot. i think he was my cousin peter. he didn't talk much. he was doing his own thing mostly, and he and D had some master plan in mind, as they went to the moon pretty frequently. we got in the spaceship, and i was strapped down as to not float around to much, and when we got to the planet, D had me practice walking a bit b4 we left the ship. just as the pilot was opening the door, she described how there was a city here that no one lived in. there was no one around. in my head, i got the impression that this was an experimental city that a government (perhaps Russian or US) had funded, but then abandoned a long time ago. certainly, it appeared as tho no one had ever lived here. D told me about how the first time they brought someone like me, the public phone rang and a man was on the other end. and another time they came the phone rang, but the other end was disconnected when they picked up. but she assured me not to worry, but just dont pick up the phone if it rings. well, up to this point i had been really excited to go to the moon, but now i was pretty scared. what was going on? was it the government spying on us. what were we REALLY here for? my mind conspired.

This pic was found on
  • UFO

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    in another dream i was in some public study hall and many students were getting ready to go to the exam i had to take. we were getting ready when another student saw that i had whitetown on my computer. i said yeh! let's play it while we get ready to go. we only had a minute or two, but i thought it would be easy just to type it in. instead, what happened, is that i kept mistyping. i'd type 'white snow' backspace, backspace, "wit town" backspace, backspace "with town" backspace backspace "white towel" etc. for like minutes, until it was time to go. But i HAD to pee, so i made every one wait, while i peed even tho we were supposed to be there now. they were all very patient tho, but i felt sooo disorganized.

    December 06, 2007

    The expensive party

    I went to go visit Lori at her new apartment, but when i got there the place was like a giant wave pool, and hundreds of ppl were swimming. Later on, a helicopter arrived, and we got to take turns flying around in it. At night we all drank. Nine ppl left, and when we wondered why, i suggested it was because it was exam time. And my mother came to visit and i spoke with her, and at the end of the night she said good-bye forever. She acted very pleasantly. She had rosy cheeks and was quite beautiful, her style was definitely eastern European.

    December 03, 2007

    Red Thorax

    I was upset at a friend, and i was in a shelter of sorts in a desert, and the siblings were there, and as i related my grievances, they agreed, and just then the gurl appeared so i told how i felt: upset sad and duped. just then, i noticed a spider with a red thorax and beige legs. it was crawling on my legs as i talked with her, but it freaked me out so much i awoke from sleep, i was lying in bed thinking about it, when i realized that i had been rubbing my legs with my hands (as to shoo away some creature). I couldn't tell if i was doing it because of the dream, like moving in my sleep, or if some sensation on my skin caused me to find a reason to wake up (using a scary image of a spider to rouse me from sleep). i was sufficiently scared tho that i had to turn on the light and inspect my bed thoroughly, as any unpredicted sensation (like a corner of a blanket softly landing on my skin) would freak me out. Getting up tho, brought me to my senses, and i was able to sleep again. this was at 7 am, but because of my nocturnal ways, that seems like 4 in the morning.

    This is a Theridion Varians, commonly found in gardens and extend pretty far North. I have altered the thorax to appear more red as to resemble my dream more. Tho is looks nothing like the spider in my dream. This photo is from Garden Safari
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    December 02, 2007

    i'm nosey about crushes

    in my dream MMM came to my house and she was telling me about her crush at her government job, and how great he was. She told me that he was also a part of the curling club. So I looked up all the guys a part of the curling club and found only one person who also worked in her department. She said i wouldn't know him, but when i asked, "is it peter o.?" she was like "yes! how did you know?" she was shocked and upset that i knew him. and i said i knew him from grade school. she then felt embarrassed.

    December 01, 2007

    puppets, crayons and New Year's

    It begins with a puppet coming to shore on a row boat in a stony lake. On the shore are many other puppets with legs, and the leader puppet gathers them and stands on a rock above them with the lake in the background. He gives them an inspirational speech to leave the island. Then some ppl come and the dream focuses on them. I am one of these people and the others are some of my high school friends. We spend a good part of the dream waiting at cross walks and crossing roads. and finally we come to Kristen's house. I was supposed to have lived there for a short amount of time and brought much of my stuff there, but never actually stayed. She told me to collected what i wanted. A lot of it was junk and i was mumbling how she shouldn't bother and should just through out my stuff, i didn't want it any more. Except i found a crystal ring. that was nice enough. and some pencil crayons, but they were all nubs. not much left, but i figured i could still salvage them. then i went into the kitchen and Nio and Jen were there among others and i was wondering where we should go for New Year's. Everyone there, was quite unenthusiastic, and said they didn't plan on celebrating it this year. Strange, I thought. But i remembered that Ana had invited me out, so that's where i was headed i guess...

    November 30, 2007

    At the Bank

    I had a dream I was still working at the bank, and I was serving a customer whose cheque I wanted to hold. He owed the bank $600 but insisted that he really needed the money now. I was doing every thing I could for him and checked to see if he qualified for overdraft protection (which I knew he wouldn't, since he owed the bank) I was very upset that I had to turn him away, but I knew he wasn't good for his money.

    November 26, 2007

    12 dragon balls

    The dream begins that I am a kid and my parents are dragging me along shopping. We are in a Costco-type place. And for the first bit of the dream i'm just running around the isles. Then i find the book section of the store and am enamored by the large collection of fairy tales. a little gnome approaches me from under the stacks and stacks of books where he makes his home. Pssst, he says. i come closer, but overcome by an extreme tiredness, so i lay myself down on a bunch of books on a table. My hands rest cupped to receive over my belly. and the gnome drops 12 small glowing marbles into my hands. they are big enough tho, that not all will fit. they spill over and roll onto the floor. as i try to catch them, more fall to the ground. i count the remaining in my hand: 8. then i search for the other four. Unless i have all twelve, i do not have the magic power that the gnome has endowed to me. he shows me that by rubbing the balls into the carpet causes static electricity and this attracts other balls that are near by. sure enough i collect two balls this way, as they slide across the carpet. he also warns me that someone could just as easily collect my balls if they did this with one of the remaining balls. i search really hard for the other two, but can not find them. the gnome gets one more for me, but tells me that the twelfth has been stolen. He says before he can have me do the original task he intended, i must first retrieve this last ball. I get the sneaking sensation that this is all a test.

    Thus my adventure begins. I am now my current age and i enter was must be a funeral home, but is not indicated as such. To the West of the building is a cemetery which i later find out is full of zombies. to the North is a courtyard and to the East is a forest which has an open path through it. to the South is nothing. it's like the barrier to a video game. there appears to be a background and ppl can appear from it, but none shall pass.

    while in the building there is a waiting area and a kitchenette. i am with two ppl i only know mildly. one is a volunteer, now staff member for FP with fluffy blond hair, and the other is a friend of my good friend that she knows from work. Why i'm with these ppl in particular is not clear. but we are waiting for my family. instead of waiting in the waiting room tho, we are waiting in the kitchenette and i am telling them about my beloved grandmother. i am telling them the wonderful things about her and things she does that are way cute, all the while suspecting that when my family does come, my grandmother won't even be with them. they stair back at me with a polite smile not knowing what to say. some ppl arrive. i think it is my parents and they say they will be right back and exit via the court. then there is banging from the same door and we think oh this must be the fam, but it's actually zombies trying to knock down the door and eat our brains. we run. we leave by the south exit, but cannot go any further, as zombies come around the east side of the house we run into the forest. there are zombies clearly walking along the open path so we stick to the dense trees. the zombies are approaching faster with branches whipping past them. i decide that zombies can't climb trees, so i begin to climb one and the gurl is climbing with me, but the boy is out of sight at the moment. then when we reach the top, i can now see him and he is further along on the open path, he runs back to me, and i tell him to climb to safety. he says he cant climb, that we must help him up. i infer he must be a zombie, because zombies cant climb trees, but then he says, no, it's just this tree. so i tell him to climb another, which he does -enough to prove that he is not a zombie.

    once the zombies die down we continue in the dense forest until we suddenly come to a clearing. we can see the open path which leads to a bridge that crosses some boiling slime and disappears into a cave of a sudden vertical wall of a cliff of unknown heights. as we approach it gets much darker (than it already was) making it hard to see. A man pops out from behind a tree and says, i am trying to get into the cave too. Be careful tho, because there are two traps, and i am on the second. do not cross the bridge directly, he says. i cautiously approach to try and see through the blackness, but must trip a wire as a black wolf is unleashed and cases us (me) i run to the souther borders which is lined by a fence and jump up and run along the top of the fence, but the wolf pursues me yet. finally, with the wolf on my heals, i approach the forest and jump into a tree, with a tree house attached. i sit on the roof, and the wolf gives up and pursues the other two to the court. i feel it might be certain doom for them, but hear them calling my name only moments later. i run along the open path, and find that the court is covered in a green slime. they tell me that when the wolf stepped on it, he disappeared into a puff of smoke. we decide to collect some in a fancy vile. the boy has a magenta one and i have a green one. and we collect as much as we can, but it quickly dries as we do so. i only have a small precious amount when the slime has caked to the court yard surface. and zombies are now willing to cross it again! so we usher ourself back to the cave opening with slime in hand. when we arrive the man has already gone. i begin to wonder if he has my twelfth dragon ball.

    October 25, 2007

    Ghost Communication

    In my dream, Alina was a medium and communicated with the dead. For some reason, she was bringing us back and forth between dimensions of the ghost realm and or regular life. She must have done something a little off, because int he ghost realm i noticed that they got angry. we were in a cave like thing and suddenly the greenish-grey stone grew blue fungi and such, instantaneously. when we left, she had us all do a ritual where stuffed animals represented certain things. she wanted to appease the ghosts and the ritual was supposed to show her intentions. the ghost made them selves know by moving the over head lights, and spot lighting certain individuals. after the ritual was done we went to a hotel. there i really had to go to the bathroom. ryan d went first and then i went,but the door wouldn't close all the way, it had to be held shut with force, which made it hard to pee. there was also a another guy there who i forget who it was, and i didn't want them to see me pee. because the door, i couldn't sit properly, and i was peeing every where but the bowl. on the walls, the floor... i had to concentrate really hard to keep it in the bowl. what a mess. i had to clean it all up, but only with one hand since i wanted to hold the door shut! by the end a ghost was in there with me, telling me alina wanted me. so i went back to see her, and she told me she did make a mistake. and we went back into the ghost realm, and when we got there, there was an army of headless soldier, with pumpkins for heads. alina had started a war with the underworld, and only me and her were there to fight it...

    October 11, 2007

    Phorn Photography

    I was walking through a closed mall, and was approaching my store, which has accommodation for sleep in the back (cause i'm sucha hard worker). But a guy (someone from a club i was at in waking life, but was a porn director in my dream), was following me. When I got to the store, he wanted to come in. I didn't want him too, but let him in any way. There were other people there, and in the whole dream I felt like if i said no to anything, they would be let down. The porn guy then said that I was a natural beauty and that he really wanted to work with me. I told him I wasn't interested. He asked to look at some photos. I reluctantly gave him a pile of photos of many women, including me, in lingerie and such. He saw some and said they were wonderful, and I told him I only like sex for fun, and would not enter a profession. There were some pics of a gurl i know from waking life who went to my high school whose name i forget right now, but she apparently had a rep for being a slut (whatever that means). The photos were of her face mostly and she was decorated like a traditional geisha. the porn guy kept the photos of her, and some others. i went through the photos and identifying which ones were missing asked him for them back. He returned some (which he had put in his sock) but not the ones of this gurl. I told him that because it wasn't me, i couldn't give him permission to keep them. but the gurl came up and said, "which photos?" I described them to her, and she was delighted to know that he had an interest in her. He said he would see if he could get her in or not. I was getting bored and was feeling awkward, so i told the man that i'd be in the back if he wanted to have sex. I then went to the room to change in langerie, but fell asleep in my underwear.

    Pink Slime

    I can't remember all my dream, as this one happened earlier in the night, but it was being told like a fairytale about a monster: "...Meanwhile, back at the craters, Albee was all alone. In one crater, there was a pond of greyish blue-green water. Being in the desert had made Albee become quite thirsty, so he drank the entire pond. When there were no drops of water left, the bottom of the pond began to fill with a pink slime, that slid into a vortex to another dimension. He suddenly saw a stranger sitting across from him, and it jumped right in. Albee followed. Down he slid into a dimension, that was a vast jungle of dead things. All around him were stands of dead and dying trees, and skeletal birds shrieked from their branches. All this rushed past him as he slid down the pink slime which spewed from a giant black volcano. The slide split into forks at different points, and some slides had window vortexes that brought him to different points on the slide. Out of fear, Albee was sure to follow the stranger's path and not deviate from the path. But as they slid, an entity-something like a god of the dimension-grew angry. Albee could feel the energy of it's anger, and became even more frightened and didn't know what to do. Just when its anger was reaching its zenith, Albee altered his course, slipping back into his desert reality."

    Driving the Car

    On Thanksgiving, I had a dream my dad was teaching Katy, a past co-worker in waking life, to drive in his car, and she kept turning corners really fast, and backing up really fast, with little control. Both my dad and I were like 'eeesh' but didn't say anything to be polite.

    September 27, 2007

    The Wedding Gift

    My dream begins at a wedding. I am there with my friends John and Phil, and the wedding is celebrating one of Phil's cousin's union. I am not feeling well, and this is when the two of them come over and ask if I'm alright. I say that I am but that I just need a moment to rest.

    Also in celebration of the wedding Phil's grandfather is having a large building being built in their honour. Exactly what it is would be revealed upon completion. I go to talk to Phil's father, and when I say him name he corrects me, and tells me he has changed his legal name for protection purposes. I want to ask him more about it, like protection from what? but events of the happy occasion distract us.

    Later that night, after the party had since moved location and died away, Phil and John and I are returning to the House on the Hill. At the foot of the hill is the construction for the newly-weds, but the tarp has been removed. It turns out it's a Wal-Mart. The tarp seems to have been removed due to vandalism. There are guys spray painting, breaking windows and stealing. We want to do something but they all come over with exacto knives and threaten us. Phil and John beat some of them up and they tear away, but the leader remains and he is on me. He also has the biggest exacto knife. There are pieces of broken exact knife from the others, so i pick a piece up as my only protection. The leader of the gang is a big jerk. I grab his hand which is holding the knife, and i use my little piece of blade to cut his forehead. "What good that does!" he laughs, "I bearly even feel that. You think you can win?" While he is distracted I take the knife from his hands by twisting it out.

    At this moment, Phil's grandfather arrives. He sees the vandalism and he sees us. Despite the fact that I am fighting one of the vandals, he believes us to be responsible for the damage and is angry. The last vandal has run off. The grandfather never speaks, but his eminent disapproval hangs over us.

    By the time we reach the top of the hill, it is evident that something is wrong. Apparently, monsters have been unleashed, and are terrorizing the village. We lock up the whole house to ensure our safety. In one room Max is there and i tell him to stay put. There is a door that leads out side, and Rebbecca is banging on it frantically. I open the door cautiously for her, and when she comes in, we realize Max has already been affected by the monsters. We lock the door and run to another room which has a mirror/window that faces south to the Wal-Mart and two doors which face the hall way (west). We lock both doors, and the monsters are banging on the other side. I protect the door by the couch, and Rebbecca protects the door by the window/mirror. I want to wedge the doors, because I know it's only a matter of time before the monster learns how to unlock the door from the outside. I look around and conjure up the removable legs from a foot stool I own. I am about to wedge this under the space in the door frame, when the monster unlocks the door. I push with all my might to close and lock the door again, giving me just enough time to wedge the door. I hear the monster say "That is one strong human."

    However, the monster still manages to unlock the door and get in and i cant resist her this time. She comes in, and sees the grandfather in the window mirror thing. She points and says "this is who we came for." "What? Phil's..." "His father!" she interjects. Now I see why the father had changed his name. He knew that the monsters were coming and abandoned us all to save himself. He changed his name, so that the monsters could not find him. Because the grandfather had the same name they thought it was him they were after. To try and gain the grandfather's approval again, i use the exacto knife i got from the vandal earlier to stab the monster. But many stabs don't seem to affect the monster too much, even if I stab in the eyes, stomach, arms etc. It won't be slayed.

    September 26, 2007

    Green Dragon

    This dream is like I'm a third person and am watching a film. The scene opens with a women with black hair on the top of a hexagon shaped building with a flat roof. The building is of some religious value, like a church or something equivalent. She is looking up at the sky where a dragon soars. She seeks to embrace him religiously, and puts out her hands, but instead the dragon swoops down and stabs her hands with his green talons. The drawing of blood and her heightened emotional state in the religious experience causes her to die of shock. I wake up.

    September 10, 2007

    The Parade

    The devil was hosting a party in one of the condominiums that a customer of mine recently purchased. The devil was SeƱor from the movie "The Peanut Butter Solution", once he has a bald head. I went to show my support, and there were many people I knew from the university (but not in waking life). Later, they all prepared for the Caribbana parade that they were all involved in, for which I was a spectator. The parade took place along a country dirt path amidst a prairie landscape on one side, and on the other side it ran up against a dense forest with the stands cut out near the edges for picnic benches. I stood along the side with the forest where a Baptist group were having a social event at the same time. They all stopped what they were doing and gathered to watch the parade that marched along side. The members of the parade were all wearing different outfits, but they all wore the Guatemalan colours from the flag: that bright Blue and Green. I smiled at each person I knew as they paraded by.