
December 15, 2007


I'm at camp and Michele is there and lets me sleep in her tent (because i never bring one camping). i think that she is the only person that i know there, but then she is being really mean to me. i try to keep my self busy by cleaning up the camp site and such. and everyone is suddenly registering for the bus, but i am in the middle of wrapping up my sleeping bag. i go inside the tent, and there is broken glass from a beer bottle and i cut my finger. later when i've done my Cinderella tasks, i go behind the cabin where everyone is eating lunch and there is the gurl collecting reservations for the bus. it cost $6. i give her a twenty. then i go and talk with michelle for a bit.

December 08, 2007

To the Moon/Whitetown

For some reason i was going to the moon. 'D' was going to take me, and i was to follow her instructions. there was also a man. he was the pilot. i think he was my cousin peter. he didn't talk much. he was doing his own thing mostly, and he and D had some master plan in mind, as they went to the moon pretty frequently. we got in the spaceship, and i was strapped down as to not float around to much, and when we got to the planet, D had me practice walking a bit b4 we left the ship. just as the pilot was opening the door, she described how there was a city here that no one lived in. there was no one around. in my head, i got the impression that this was an experimental city that a government (perhaps Russian or US) had funded, but then abandoned a long time ago. certainly, it appeared as tho no one had ever lived here. D told me about how the first time they brought someone like me, the public phone rang and a man was on the other end. and another time they came the phone rang, but the other end was disconnected when they picked up. but she assured me not to worry, but just dont pick up the phone if it rings. well, up to this point i had been really excited to go to the moon, but now i was pretty scared. what was going on? was it the government spying on us. what were we REALLY here for? my mind conspired.

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    in another dream i was in some public study hall and many students were getting ready to go to the exam i had to take. we were getting ready when another student saw that i had whitetown on my computer. i said yeh! let's play it while we get ready to go. we only had a minute or two, but i thought it would be easy just to type it in. instead, what happened, is that i kept mistyping. i'd type 'white snow' backspace, backspace, "wit town" backspace, backspace "with town" backspace backspace "white towel" etc. for like minutes, until it was time to go. But i HAD to pee, so i made every one wait, while i peed even tho we were supposed to be there now. they were all very patient tho, but i felt sooo disorganized.

    December 06, 2007

    The expensive party

    I went to go visit Lori at her new apartment, but when i got there the place was like a giant wave pool, and hundreds of ppl were swimming. Later on, a helicopter arrived, and we got to take turns flying around in it. At night we all drank. Nine ppl left, and when we wondered why, i suggested it was because it was exam time. And my mother came to visit and i spoke with her, and at the end of the night she said good-bye forever. She acted very pleasantly. She had rosy cheeks and was quite beautiful, her style was definitely eastern European.

    December 03, 2007

    Red Thorax

    I was upset at a friend, and i was in a shelter of sorts in a desert, and the siblings were there, and as i related my grievances, they agreed, and just then the gurl appeared so i told how i felt: upset sad and duped. just then, i noticed a spider with a red thorax and beige legs. it was crawling on my legs as i talked with her, but it freaked me out so much i awoke from sleep, i was lying in bed thinking about it, when i realized that i had been rubbing my legs with my hands (as to shoo away some creature). I couldn't tell if i was doing it because of the dream, like moving in my sleep, or if some sensation on my skin caused me to find a reason to wake up (using a scary image of a spider to rouse me from sleep). i was sufficiently scared tho that i had to turn on the light and inspect my bed thoroughly, as any unpredicted sensation (like a corner of a blanket softly landing on my skin) would freak me out. Getting up tho, brought me to my senses, and i was able to sleep again. this was at 7 am, but because of my nocturnal ways, that seems like 4 in the morning.

    This is a Theridion Varians, commonly found in gardens and extend pretty far North. I have altered the thorax to appear more red as to resemble my dream more. Tho is looks nothing like the spider in my dream. This photo is from Garden Safari
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    December 02, 2007

    i'm nosey about crushes

    in my dream MMM came to my house and she was telling me about her crush at her government job, and how great he was. She told me that he was also a part of the curling club. So I looked up all the guys a part of the curling club and found only one person who also worked in her department. She said i wouldn't know him, but when i asked, "is it peter o.?" she was like "yes! how did you know?" she was shocked and upset that i knew him. and i said i knew him from grade school. she then felt embarrassed.

    December 01, 2007

    puppets, crayons and New Year's

    It begins with a puppet coming to shore on a row boat in a stony lake. On the shore are many other puppets with legs, and the leader puppet gathers them and stands on a rock above them with the lake in the background. He gives them an inspirational speech to leave the island. Then some ppl come and the dream focuses on them. I am one of these people and the others are some of my high school friends. We spend a good part of the dream waiting at cross walks and crossing roads. and finally we come to Kristen's house. I was supposed to have lived there for a short amount of time and brought much of my stuff there, but never actually stayed. She told me to collected what i wanted. A lot of it was junk and i was mumbling how she shouldn't bother and should just through out my stuff, i didn't want it any more. Except i found a crystal ring. that was nice enough. and some pencil crayons, but they were all nubs. not much left, but i figured i could still salvage them. then i went into the kitchen and Nio and Jen were there among others and i was wondering where we should go for New Year's. Everyone there, was quite unenthusiastic, and said they didn't plan on celebrating it this year. Strange, I thought. But i remembered that Ana had invited me out, so that's where i was headed i guess...