
November 28, 2008

the park and the forest

I'm in a really green park with old tall trees and nicely manicured lawn. some boys are terrorizing geese, and i say to the familiar person beside me that i'll slap them up side the face the next time i see that. but then i see geese terrorizing squirls, so i go up and separate them. then there is a huge stand of trees, and a path. as we enter, there are all this 'endangered animals' like squirls and frogs coming out of the forest. there are so many of them and i dont want them to go into the park and i kick some of them to stop them. but my friend says not to worry because they are resiliant. I dont believe it, but i acquiesce. when we go down the trail there is a bus which has all these animals on it, like noah's ark. i am made to sit beside some bees, but they stinge me, their pain waking me up.

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